Thermal & sound insulation expanded cork boards

Looking for exceptional thermal insulation and sound insulation? Expanded cork board is for you!
A better alternative to polystyrene and mineral wool! Explore a wide range of expanded cork products in our online store: standard insulation cork boards, expanded cork Lambourde, high density cork board, MD facade and different types of decorative expanded cork. We sell expanded cork wall panels in various sizes and densities – each customer will find a satisfactory material suitable for their needs! But what makes expanded cork so special? Let us explain it to you.
Expanded cork – what is it? Natural and unbeatable product!
Due to the high temperature processing treatment, cork granules expand – just like popcorn. The cork grains that become larger in size are responsible for its remarkable properties and create a one-of-a-kind material that serves as an exceptional thermal, acoustic and vibration insulation. Expanded cork panels eliminate sounds coming from behind the wall. Do you have a problem with a loud neighbour's TV? Problem solved! The irregular structure of the cork acoustic panels effectively disperses the sound. Expanded cork sheets are also an outstanding thermal insulation – a guarantee of a warm, comfortable and pleasant interior. Ahh, imagine feeling a blissful relaxation at home! The greater the thickness, the better the insulation. Expanded cork acoustic panels are durable and do not produce toxic gases in case of fire.
Which expanded cork should I choose?
It all depends on the purpose. If you are looking for a great thermal, acoustic and anti-vibration insulation, you can choose standard expanded cork boards. Expanded cork Lambourde is a functional and working insulation enriched with mounting strips made of OSB that will facilitate and simplify your installation. High density (HD) expanded cork has been designed for customers who need a material that provides increased insulation. MD facade is a practical, modern and fashionable facade of the house. If you are looking for the right balance between the unusual properties of expanded cork and fashionable design, you will surely find something satisfying in the categories with decorative expanded cork. More information about each type of expanded cork is available in the sections listed above – just click on the selected category.
Where and how can I use my expanded cork sheets? Your practical natural home decor!
Expanded cork is a fantastic insulation of walls, floors, ceilings, surface finishing and much more. Expanded cork wall panels serve not only as a quality insulation, but also a naturally beautiful decoration. However, if you appreciate the unusual properties of the expanded cork insulation more than its appearance, there is a way to fix this! Expanded cork can be covered with a technical cork or decorative cork.
Simply natural
Don't worry, the production of expanded cork sheets is sustainable. The bark is obtained from cork oak and is a 100% ecological and natural material. We provide cork wall panels without any additives. The binder released through the process of heating is its own natural ingredient – suberin.